Manchester comes together for Strauss Anniversary

2014 marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of the great German composer Richard Strauss and Manchester's three orchestras are joining forces to mark...

Tolkien WW1 gun goes on display at IWM North

The revolver issued to JRR Tolkien as a soldier on the Somme during the First World War has gone on display at the Imperial...

Carols at Christmas in Manchester

There are a couple of concerts coming up over the next week in Manchester where you will be able to tinkle the festive ivories. Bridgewater...

Blessed Days of Anaesthesia

Among all the great discoveries and inventions of the nineteenth century, few offer us a more fascinating insight into Victorian society than the discovery...

Coral-something Rich and Strange

Full fathom five thy father lies; Of his bones are coral made; Those are pearls that were his eyes: Nothing of him that...

Touch Everyday Relics at MOSI

Forgotten objects that were once ubiquitous come to life when picked up and tell their stories in Everyday Relics, a new exhibition at...

Poll Fest at the People’s History Museum

Manchester's People's History Museum will be celebrating Parliament week with an exciting politics festival Pollfest. The festival,starting tomorrow (15th November) kicks off with a special...

Festive talks for the Manchester Military History Society

Manchester's Military History Society will be putting on their annual Christmas Special on Tuesday 10th Dec. As usual, it will be a little different from...

An open day in Salford on women in democracy

Salford’s Working Class Movement Library is marking both Parliament Week and the Explore Your Archive campaign with an Open Day on Saturday 16 November between 10am...

Fabulous figurines revealing secrets of ancient Africa go on show in Manchester

The hidden secrets of sixty remarkable clay figurines, thought to be up to 1,400-years-old, are to be revealed at an exhibition starting this week...