Manchester study unmasks scale of patient doctor divide

A study has estimated that around three million Britons - or 7.6 % of the country - believe they have experienced a harmful or...

Y chromosome puts men at risk of heart disease

Men who carry a specific type of Y chromosome are at an 11 per cent increased risk of heart and circulatory disease, according to...

Crack is Back- PHE reveals 20% rise in crack addicts needing treatment

Today’s annual statistics released by Public Health England on the number of adults receiving treatment for drug and alcohol problems has revealed a worrying...

NHS patient obesity study launched in Tameside

One of the biggest patient studies into obesity to be held in the North West gets underway in Tameside this month.

Common lung conditions linked to heart disease say Manchester researchers

Patients with some of the most common lung diseases are substantially more likely to suffer a heart attack and develop other major heart problems...

Adopt new policy standards for terminally ill patients with substance use problems, says report

Health and social care policy must respond to the growing demand for palliative and end-of-life care services for people with experience of problematic substance...

Sitting down less is the key to stronger bones, Manchester research shows

Older people who keep regularly moving are more likely to have better bone health than those who carry out just one bout of high-intensity...

Pooches for patients help relaxation on wards

Patients at Stockport’s Stepping Hill Hospital are now getting a regular treat thanks to visits from four legged friends. Dog visitors to wards are helping...

Breast cancer bus to hit the streets of Greater Manchester

A bright pink BooBee Bus will be hitting the roads of Greater Manchester throughout the month of October, providing breast cancer awareness advice and...

Plans for £1.5m birth centre announced for Warrington

Warrington Hospital is to open a new, £1.5m midwife-led birth centre at Croft Wing, Warrington Hospital in the spring of 2020.  The Centre, which...