Hundreds of native wild flowers have been planted by Manchester’s local community to tackle loss of city wildlife and increase access to nature.

The North Manchester Nature Network project, funded by the Cadent Foundation, has been working with residents, volunteers and local community groups to plant over 20 different native wild flower species to benefit wildlife in Manchester’s parks including, Boggart Hole Clough and Broadhurst Clough.

The species planted are all wild flowers that can be found in other parts of Manchester and that, for one reason or another, seem to be missing from some of the local parks.

By making sure each park has a good mixture of native wild flowers, such as bluebell, red campion and yellow pimpernel, the project is helping to create wildlife corridors for insects to be able to safely move across the city.

Some insects, like bumblebees, need a good diversity of wild flowers to find enough of their favourite food – nectar. But many more insects need different plants for their young, who feed on the leaves.

By helping bugs and minibeasts find their favourite food we are ensuring that they can move around the city – and so can their predators, such as the blue tit and robin.


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