Bird enthusiasts are being invited to fly on down to Salford Quays for a bird watching cruise.

Up to 75 people are being invited to join the unique canal barge cruise to see how many they can spot of the 100 plus species of birds that live around or visit the former industrial heart of Salford.Salford Quays is a key site for birdlife.

Birdwatcher Steve Atkins, who will lead the cruise said: “The ‘big five’ target species for our cruise are mute swan, lapwing, grey heron, kingfisher and cormorant.

“We might also see sand martins, house martins, swifts, swallows, gulls, terns, sandpipers, a range of finches, a buzzard or a peregrine falcon and resident duck Gary the Goldeneye and hear warblers singing in the canalside woods at certain points on the cruise.”

Booking is essential for the two hour cruise which costs £11 per person and departs at 8am on Saturday 24 May. Tickets are available online, so book now.

The cruise is part of Salford City Council’s Walks and Water programme which includes also includes afternoon tea cruises, a music cruise with the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra and trips along the Bridgewater Canal.


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