North West Innovators create a table-top device to sustainably solve care supply shortages.

Manchester technologists Axelisys launched a device they claim spells the end of health and social-care supply shortages.  Automedi is the first commercial smart 3D printing...

The Top Innovative Robotics Start-Ups in Denmark Right Now

Robots are one of the most wondrous forms of technology that humans have ever invented, and their potential is limitless. It truly feels like...

How HMI Connects a Man and a Machine?

HMI stands for Human Machine Interface. This article provides details about HMI, its uses, importance in industrial automation, and differences with SCADA.  Introduction to HMI HMI...

Cryptojacking- A Serious Threat To Every Internet User Today

Cryptojacking or crypto mining is an online threat. It hides in a mobile device or on a computer and uses the machine's resources to...

Why Paid Search Services are the Best Form of Ads for a Businesses

Over the years, paid search or PPC has evolved as one of the most influential and successful online advertising channels. So much so, a...

How to Block Websites on Android

There are many reasons why you may want to block a website on a phone or tablet. Maybe a particular site is taking up...

Best Proxies for the United Kingdom

Internet may seem like a great place to find and browse content, but there is no guarantee that while you are doing it, nobody...

The Future’s Bright – It’s Also Soft!

So, 2020 huh?  After a pandemic, a recession, an impeachment and a number of devastating wildfires, it’s difficult to believe that we’re only eight...

5 Signs of the Best IT Product that People will Buy

Thousands of new products are released every month. However, only a small number of people acquire enough attraction to be considered successful. In fact,...

After “Cloud First,” What Comes Next?

The United Kingdom’s “Cloud First” policy began in 2013. Under it, the Government Digital Service (GDS) mandated that all central government departments consider public...