Oxfordshire chalk stream protecting pipeline reveals Iron Age secrets

A multi-million pound Thames Water project to protect the future of a rare Oxfordshire chalk stream has revealed some fascinating and gruesome discoveries dating...

Scientists aim to solve ‘male-killing’ evolutionary insect puzzle

Researchers at the University of Liverpool are leading a new international project to investigate the curious phenomenon of ‘male-killing’ microbes in insects. Many insect species...

Satellite data reveals dramatic change to Greenland’s ice sheet

A new study of Greenland’s ice sheet using long-term satellite records by Liverpool glaciologist, Dr James Lea, forms part of a collection of new insights into...

New images reveal fine threads of million-degree plasma woven throughout the Sun’s atmosphere

Researchers at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan) unveil highest-ever resolution images of the Sun from NASA’s solar sounding rocket mission Newly released images of...

World’s largest ever DNA sequencing of Viking skeletons reveals they weren’t all Scandinavian and...

Invaders, pirates, warriors – the history books taught us that Vikings were brutal predators who travelled by sea from Scandinavia to pillage and raid...

Study uses computer modelling to identify ‘vulnerable sites’ on coronavirus protein

Scientists have used computer modelling to identify potential ‘vulnerable sites’ on a key protein found in coronavirus - paving the way for possible new...

Infertility poses ‘major threat’ to biodiversity during climate change, study warns

A new study by University of Liverpool ecologists warns that heat-induced male infertility will see some species succumb to the effects of climate change...

Leprosy confirmed in wild chimpanzees

Leprosy has been found in wild chimpanzees for the first time, a new study reveals. Researchers have confirmed cases of the disease among two unconnected...

Warmer summers and meltwater lakes are threatening the fringes of the world’s largest ice...

A first-of-its-kind study looking at surface meltwater lakes around the East Antarctic Ice Sheet across a seven-year period has found that the area and...

Scientists relieved to discover ‘curious’ creature with no anus is not earliest human ancestor

An international team of researchers have discovered that a mysterious microscopic creature from which humans were thought to descend is part of a different...