Manchester leads on research to reduce the risk of serious side-effects of cancer treatment

A research programme called Living With and Beyond Cancer (LWBC) led by The Christie NHS Foundation Trust with The University of Manchester as part...

AI Summit is dominated by Big Tech and a “missed opportunity”, civil society organisations...

More than 100 civil society organisations from across the UK and world have today  branded the government’s AI Summit as “a missed opportunity”. In an...

Manchester study finds Advanced radiotherapy improves lung cancer survival rates

A 10-year University of Manchester and Christie NHS Foundation Trust study which used advanced  radiotherapy techniques in patients with limited-stage small cell lung cancer (SCLC)...

Can’t name Princess Di? Blame the left side of your brain

Scientists have discovered that the left side of the brain controls the verbal expression of our long-term ‘semantic’ memory which contains facts, meanings, concepts...

Half a million runners in UK injured, Salford University new research

Of Britain’s more than 2 million recreational runners, around 1 million are falling injured annually with 500,000 ‘off the road’ at any one time. A...

Smartphones Welcome! BBC Philharmonic transforms concerts with live updates sent to audiences’ phones

The BBC Philharmonic is transforming music lovers’ enjoyment of classical concerts with a new service for smart phones. The orchestra has worked with the BBC’s...

Manchester researchers discover how Smart shoe insole helps reduce diabetic-related foot ulcers re-emerging

A study by researchers at Manchester Metropolitan University, The University of Manchester and Manchester Diabetes Centre have found an early warning system powered by...

Contaminating a fake rubber hand could help people overcome OCD, study suggests

The famous, but bizarre, ‘rubber hand illusion’ could help people who suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder overcome their condition without the often unbearable stress...

Mega-lab at Alderley Park in Cheshire has begun to test thousands of patient samples...

The second Lighthouse Lab in Alderley Park is now operational, testing thousands of patient samples each day for coronavirus. The lab will help rapidly increase...

Manchester experts’ breakthrough helps narrow the search for intelligent life in the Milky Way

An analytical breakthrough that could significantly improve our chances of finding extra-terrestrial life in our galaxy has been discovered by a team at The...