Morrissey’s tirade on modern Britain

Hot on the heels of his biography, Manchester's Stephen Patrick Morrissey has launched a tirade against against everything from the monarchy to Sarah Palin...

Hull named Britain’s 2017 Capital of Culture

The land of Philip Larkin, William Wilberforce, The Ferens Gallery and the HouseMartins has been named as the country's next capital of culture. It beat...

Former Co-op Bank boss organises Manchester let’s get wasted session

So at least we know now why the Manchester based Co-op bank suddenly found that it had a £1.5 billion gap in its finances...

Co-op’s Angel Meadow building the most Green in the world

As the Queen and the Duke head to Angel Meadows today to officially open it, the new Co-op building has been named as the...

Festive talks for the Manchester Military History Society

Manchester's Military History Society will be putting on their annual Christmas Special on Tuesday 10th Dec. As usual, it will be a little different from...

Extreme architecture and science of the frozen south comes to MOSI

A piece of the frozen South Pole comes to Manchester this week in the first exhibition to be held of its kind at the...

Green, clean energy beneath Ardwick to power Oxford Road

Geo-Thermal energy reserves three thousand metres below the streets of Ardwick are to provide power to homes,businesses and leading institutions along the Oxford corridor. The...

City Centre tops in vibrancy league

The centre of Manchester has now outstripped London as Britain’s most “vibrant” urban area with the influx of young professionals and students driving a...

Happy Birthday Manchester’s Museum of Science and Industry

MOSI (Museum of Science & Industry, Manchester) will celebrate its 30th birthday at its current site this weekend, with a special anniversary trail of...

The end is nigh for Piccadilly’s snake

The iconic Gateway building, which greets the many thousands that pour out of Piccadilly railway station on a daily basis, faces an uncertain future...