Death by Spaghettification: Scientists Record Last Moments of Star Devoured by a Black Hole

A rare blast of light, emitted by a star as it is sucked in by a supermassive black hole, has been spotted by scientists...

World’s oldest DNA reveals how mammoths evolved

An international team led by researchers at the Centre for Palaeogenetics has sequenced DNA recovered from mammoth remains that are up to 1.2 million...

Ever wondered how a cauliflower ended up wth such a starnge shape?

Have you ever wondered how a cauliflower grows into its strange shape? - The mystery of how this peculiar shaped vegetable forms has now...

Life on Mars search could be misled by false fossils

Mars explorers searching for signs of ancient life could be fooled by fossil-like specimens created by chemical processes, research suggests. Rocks on Mars may contain...
New ancient DNA analysis has shed light on how the black rat, blamed for spreading Black Death, dispersed across Europe

New research reveals how the black rat colonised Europe in the Roman and Medieval...

New ancient DNA analysis has shed light on how the black rat, blamed for spreading Black Death, dispersed across Europe – revealing that the...

Calculator which could reduce the level of carbon emissions generated by food production and...

A calculator which could reduce the level of carbon emissions generated by food production and consumption has been developed by data scientists at the...

New study sheds light on the origin of animals

A study led by the University of Oxford has brought us one step closer to solving a mystery that has puzzled naturalists since Charles...

Full-body scans may be the motivation we need to maintain healthy lifestyles

Whole-body scanning may be the motivation many women need to commit to and maintain healthy lifestyles, according to a new study. For many women, improved...

Uranium a cure for Cancer according to new findings from the University of Manchester

Uranium can perform reactions that previously no one thought possible, which could transform the way industry makes bulk chemicals, polymers, and the precursors to...

Chester Zoo fight to save rare fish

Conservationists from Chester Zoo are fighting to help save a rare fish on the paradise island of Bermuda. Bermuda’s killifishes are found only in a...