Mysteries of Easter Island statues to be revealed in Manchester Museum exhibition

The monumental stone statues of Rapa Nui (named Easter Island by European explorers) in the Pacific are some of the most widely recognised and...

Manchester on target to fail on climate change action in Half Time report

Manchester is scheduled to fall well short of its target for reducing carbon emissions according to a report out from its monitoring group. Manchester, a...

Rare plant returned to Greater Manchester canal after remarkable rescue

The Canal & River Trust will restore the rare plant, Royal Fern, to the Huddersfield Narrow Canal this month after a remarkable rescue. It's part of...

52m bridge installed overnight over M56 linking Manchester Airport to Wythenshawe by foot

A giant foot and cycle bridge linking Wythenshawe to the Manchester Airport campus was installed this weekend. The 380-tonne structure spans the M56 spur...

The first elevated Helipad of its kind in the North West opens in Manchester

The state-of-the-art helicopter landing pad, which is situated on the roof of Grafton Street car park on Oxford Road Campus (ORC), will enable critically...
Manchester Histories Festival (Wednesday 8 June to Sunday 12 June) is bringing communities, individuals, cultural organisations, education institutes and charities together

Programme announced for Manchester Histories Festival 2022

Manchester Histories Festival (Wednesday 8 June to Sunday 12 June) is bringing communities, individuals, cultural organisations, education institutes and charities together in a way...

Marketing Manchester launches recovery and confidence campaign to support £9 billion visitor economy

With £4.2 billion expected to be wiped off visitor economy due to COVIDMarketing Manchester has today launched a new consumer campaign to help recovery...

Patients and staff become faces of The Christie

The Christie charity is launching a major new advertising campaign featuring the stories of people whose lives have been touched by Manchester’s internationally acclaimed...

Great Northern Unveils New Vibrant Art Exhibition

, The Great Northern Warehouse, welcomes an eclectic art exhibition ahead of the city’s popular Pride weekend. The Bearded Brutes collection will be unveiled on...

Greater Manchester Scientists and Clinicians form Rapid response research group to beat Covid-19

In an unprecedented move, scientists and clinicians across Greater Manchester have formed a rapid response research group to find ways to beat COVID-19 and...