Are you currently toying with the idea of starting up a new website? Regardless of whether the site is going to be used for personal or professional reasons, it must have a number of essential functions if it is to prove to be a successful venture.
What functions does your new website need to ensure that it is able to compete in today’s digital market? Read on to find out.
Quality digital experience
If your customers ever get frustrated with the performance and speed of your website, they probably won’t stick around on it for too long. To keep your audience happy and engaged with your site, then you must resolve to offer a quality digital experience.
Fear not, as you don’t have to take on this challenge alone. Digivante can offer you vast amounts of assistance in this instance, mainly thanks to the various website testing services that they offer. These testing services include:
- Exploratory
- Regression
- Localisation
- Payment
- Performance
- Usability
- Accessibility
- Security
Working navigation
Internet users don’t have the time or the patience to be wading through your website in search of the information they are after. They should be able to find whatever it is they want with ease and only a few clicks. This means that you must do all you can to ensure that your new website has a working navigation function.
To make your site easy to navigate, you should:
- Keep your navigation consistent
- Divide your various niches and categories clearly
- Ensure your navigation elements are clickable
- Make sure your navigation titles are accurate and updated
- Check your clickable images to ensure they have ALT text
- Above all else, make sure your Search feature works!
Quality analytics
You aren’t going to be able to monitor the amount of attention your site is receiving if you don’t make use of quality analytics. With such a function in place, you will be able to keep tabs on the amounts of visitors you are getting on a daily basis, you will be able to tell how long they are spending on your site, and you will be able to see how they are reacting to your content.
When seeking to make use of a quality analytics function, your first port of call should be to create a Google Analytics account. This free and easy-to-use service will provide you with a wealth of data with regards to your visitors and their engagement with your content in real-time. As a result, you will be able to gain a better understanding of your marketing campaigns and you will be able to see which of them are resonating with your audience. Additionally, you can look into which of them are under-performing, which is a crucial step in making changes for the better.
Your website could be aesthetically appealing, it could be branded to perfection, and you could post great content to it on a daily basis but if you ignore the functions listed above during the process of creating your site, your venture will never reach its full potential.