The modern world has brought to life lots of different gadgets and while they are useful to some extent, most of them can be used in ways that do not benefit humanity. Well, even a simple Casio watch was used as a part of the detonator. So, the question of safety again meets the question of human behaviour and actions.

However after reading horrible news about kidnapping and sexual harassment among other vices in the society today, don’t we need to take control of our family safety to our hands?

Tech evolution brought us GPS Kids Trackers for Parents (watches). So whether a child is writing an essay to help in saving an environment or having fun with friends, playing in the yard, a parent can listen what’s happening. Is it safe or is it a criminal interruption of personal privacy right? Here are some of the GPS trackers with their merits and demerits.

Pro’s and Con’s of GPS Trackers

Weenect Kids GPS:

This tracker uses a compass, map and distance countdown to accurately locate your child. There are a panic button, a safety zone setting, and a 2-way calling feature.

Pros: It has a long-lasting battery that would not require daily charging. Again, there are limitless zones to set up and limitless GPS tracking too. You will not be limited by distance.

Cons: The device is not wearable and that means your child should remember to pack it inside a backpack.

Amber Alert GPS Locator:

This tracker has impressive features to track location, send alerts and for speed detection, helping a parent to monitor the whereabouts of their children. It can even tell whether your child is at risk of a sex offender.  

Pros: Users can program 20 safety zones to track their children’s location. The location of your child gets updated every 5 minutes.  Again, the device can be kept in silent mode to deter distractions when the child is getting their homework done or is asleep.

Cons: It’s costly with a price of $125 with extra service package each month ranging between $15 and $18.  

My Buddy Tag:

This is a wearable tracker helps to track a child when out of sight. It is a good alert system that sends a notification when submerged in water for 5 seconds. This helps in keeping children safe while in a swimming pool, for instance.

Pros: It is affordable and wearable at $40. Still, it offers simultaneous tracking for a number of children by name. Additionally, it has lasting battery meant to last for a full year.

Cons:  It has a limited range basically 40ft indoors and for outdoors; it’s between 80ft and 120ft. It may not give you the exact location on a map but it uses Bluetooth to track their location.

Law of privacy and Tracking

In the UK it is legal to use GPS trackers but not without directions on how to do that.  When these trackers are used to put together client instructions that identify an individual, the collected information ascribes to personal data according to the Data Protection Act of 1998.  Ideally, personal data is data that can be used to identify a living human. Any person or private investigator considering taking personal data is required to register with the ICO. If not, they should have a DPA number.

Ethical position

Despite the need to make sure that children are safe, any measures taken should respect the human rights of all. Everyone has a right to their own privacy and that includes children too. Therefore, it may not be ethical to “stalk” children because they too have a life out there with friends. Therefore, GPS trackers should be used based on the age of the child and the need for proper adherence to their rights and freedoms.

Surveillance has at times been termed by the public as harassment. Though no legal definition and law to manage this, individuals are expected to be careful about how they conduct this business. Whether to use a GPS tracker or not is not the issue. But how well you are using it without interfering with the life of your child? They are good to use but take caution guided by the law and the need for privacy for your child.


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