Police are continuing to investigate the shooting incident that took the lives of Cheriff Tall and Junior Ajose in Moss Side in the summer of 2020
Under Operation Tarnbrook, a dedicated team of detectives still need vital evidence to apprehend the outstanding suspect who used the firearm.
Five potential witnesses have now been identified from mobile phone footage.
Police are making it clear that these five people are not connected in any way to the murder of Cheriff and Junior. Detectives are keen to speak to them as they believe they have potential information that could help with their detailed enquiries.
A £50,000 reward, launched in June 2023 on the third anniversary, for key information that leads to the discovery and conviction of the killer remains available as detectives are focused on tirelessly piecing together evidence to bring the offender to justice.
Despite the time passed GMP remain committed to investigate the murder and speak to more witnesses as answers do still lie within the community, after it was believed between 300-400 were present at the time.
Detective Chief Inspector and Senior Investigating Officer, Neil Higginson, said: “I once again want to appeal to the public in Manchester, in particular to these five people as we believe they are witnesses to what happened on that night. I want to make it clear though they are not connected in any way to the murder of Cheriff and Junior.
“Over the three years since Cheriff and Junior’s lives were taken in tragic and upsetting circumstances, we have reviewed hours of footage, carried out several warrants and spoken to several people about this incident, but more is still needed to bring justice to their families after they continue to suffer immense heartbreak.
“We have a good understanding of what occurred that night and we do have an outstanding suspect, but we need more evidence.
“We know most people who were present were there to enjoy themselves and not cause trouble. So, we are certain that they will have vital detail that can help in our investigation in the events leading up to, during or after the murder. Our focus is to obtain this key evidence so that we can convict the person responsible for the murders.
“I understand that people can be reluctant to come forward in this type of case, for a variety of reasons, but I ask that you do so as we can provide the relevant support needed as it’s not too late to do the right thing.”
Anyone with information, however small or insignificant it may seem, should contact GMP in confidence on 0161 856 0110, quoting incident number 221 of 21/06/20.