The Office for National Statistics have estimated that 73,600 weddings and same-sex civil partnership ceremonies may have been postponed in England during the three-month period of lockdown restrictions between 23 March and 3 July 2020.
The figures come from the ONS’s weekly Coronavirus and the social impacts on Great Britain.
One in 20 adults reported that they found it difficult or very difficult to pay usual household bills prior to the coronavirus pandemic; since the pandemic, this has risen to over 1 in 10 adults.
At the same time the proportion of adults saying their well-being has been affected was broadly the same as last week, although fewer are reporting issues that may be associated with lockdown restrictions, such as feeling bored, spending time alone or finding working from home difficult.
Working adults continue to move away from exclusively working at home, which has dropped to 29%, from 33% last week. Almost 8 in 10 said they had either worked at home or travelled to work this week, a similar level to last week .Nearly half said they had travelled to work at some point in the past seven days, up from 44% last week and 41% the previous week.
Over half said the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic was having an impact on their work. This has fallen from 61% last week. The most common impacts reported were being furloughed,a decrease in hours worked and being worried about health and safety at work
Over 4 in 10 adults who have left their homes this week have worn a face covering to prevent the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), a similar level to the past two weeks while of those adults who had used public transport in the past seven days, 86% had worn a face covering while doing so across all of Great Britain, while 91% had in England.