Independent charity Crimestoppers has today launched a major campaign across the North West of England and North Wales to encourage reporting on those who are involved in the supply of cocaine and large-scale cannabis cultivation.

Drug sales fuel many other serious crimes such as shootings, stabbings, County Lines, debt bondage, exploitation of young people, sexual exploitation and modern slavery.

These activities are carried out by both local crime gangs and people from overseas who exploit those who have been brought into the UK illegally to work in cannabis farms, or to sell and transport drugs.

Criminals do not care who they exploit or the violence and damage they bring to our communities. They destroy lives whilst pursuing vast profits.

 The key to making the North West as well as North Wales safer places to live and work is to help prevent criminal activities by passing on information completely anonymously to Crimestoppers so that law enforcement can act.

Detailed anonymous community intelligence that Crimestoppers receives – either online anonymously or via the phone – disrupt gang activity and keeps our streets and communities safe.

Your information can help save lives and make your area safer for you and your family.

The charity has put together some questions to prompt the public and hopefully encourage them to report what they see or hear:


  • Who runs the local drugs trade?
  • Which properties are being used to grow cannabis?
  • Which premises are regularly used for drug dealing?
  • What are the names of those members of serious crime gangs in the area?
  • Are they living a lavish lifestyle but not working?
  • Do you know or suspect which `cash only’ businesses might be money laundering?

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  • How do they recruit those who are being exploited?
  • Do you have concerns that individuals are victims of modern slavery?

Gary Murray, Regional Manager at the charity Crimestoppers, said:

“Sadly, over the last 12 months we have seen many lives lost and families devasted because of the violence associated with drug crime. Only by individuals taking the brave step of reporting anonymously what is going on in their areas to our charity will we see a cut in the pain and suffering that our communities face.

“If you know who is involved in drug crime or orchestrating a drug gang, please contact our charity. Only you will know you contacted us.

“Every year across the North West we receive and passes on over 30,000 pieces of `actionable’ information; across North Wales, we pass on around 2,400 pieces of high-quality information. This leads to a significant number of arrests, millions of pounds of drugs seized, and weapons being taken off our streets. We would like to thank those who have previous contacted our charity.

“Remember, we guarantee you’ll stay 100% anonymous and I encourage anyone with information to contact us. We will never know who they are because of anonymity, but they have made the North West and North Wales safer for everyone and made a real difference.”

To speak up 100% anonymously, visit our charity’s website and fill in our simple and secure anonymous online form or call our 24/7 UK Contact Centre on freephone 0800 555 111.


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