The Goalz Project, together with the Council’s Targeted Youth Service, run a session once a week at the Powerleague complex in Stockport, where they engage with young people who are normally difficult to reach out to.
The aims of these sessions include educating young people on health and wellbeing, raising young people’s aspirations, improving community cohesion, reducing anti-social behaviour and increasing community pride.
At Stockport County’s match on Saturday, a half-time presentation was given about the Goalz Project with partners attending the event.
Councillor Colin Foster, Stockport Council’s Cabinet Member for Children and Family Services, said: “By working in partnership, we’re trying to get young people active whilst learning a new skills. Sports have proven to be an effective way to help young people avoid anti-social behaviour, as well developing their self-esteem so this is a fantastic opportunity for our local youngsters to get involved with.”
Matthew Bailey, Assistant Community Foundation Manager at Stockport County, said: “We are delighted to be working in partnership with Stockport Council and Greater Manchester Police to deliver our Goalz Project every Monday evening. The sessions delivered to the young people are designed to help learn new skills, meet and interact with new people in a fun and safe environment. Whilst having the opportunity to work with Stockport County FC first team player Sam Minihan, who is fantastic role model to our participants. We look forward to growing the project over the next 12 months.”