Worrying about your hangover could make the pain worse

As the festive season approaches those who indulge too much may wish to heed this warning New research suggests that worrying about pain can make...

Average UK person just as likely to be unpaid carer as homeowner

You are just as likely to care unpaid for a loved one as to own your own home, according to new figures. Charity Carers UK...

Borderline Personality Disorder has strongest link to childhood trauma according to Manchester research

People with Borderline Personality Disorder are 13 times more likely to report childhood trauma than people without any mental health problems, according to University...

Community cooking programme improves eating in young children and families

The six week NHS programme, which included one cookery class a week and practical guidance on how to choose healthier foods was assessed by...

Good blood supply in fat could explain ‘fat but fit’ paradox

The ‘fat but fit’ paradox – where some people who are overweight have a seemingly healthy metabolism – may be explained by a good...

Patients and staff become faces of The Christie

The Christie charity is launching a major new advertising campaign featuring the stories of people whose lives have been touched by Manchester’s internationally acclaimed...

NHS reveals worst ever emergency performance

The last perfromance Statistics from NHS England to be released before the election shows that one in six patients waited longer than four hours...

Testosterone replacement benefits young male cancer survivors, new research finds

Young male cancer survivors may significantly benefit from testosterone replacement therapy - especially after testicular cancer - according to the first ever clinical trial...

The forgotten killer-Pneumonia on the rise for Britain’s children

Six children are being rushed to hospital with pneumonia every hour in England, a report by two leading children’s agencies reveals. Hospitals in England recorded...

Plans for £1.5m birth centre announced for Warrington

Warrington Hospital is to open a new, £1.5m midwife-led birth centre at Croft Wing, Warrington Hospital in the spring of 2020.  The Centre, which...