With climate change and other eco-disasters seemingly always in the news, more and more people are vowing to lead a more eco-friendly existence. However, it’s not always easy to switch to greener ways of living, most people are used to a certain lifestyle and can’t or won’t adapt to living in a different way. So, how can you make less of an impact on the planet while still enjoying life?
- Try meat alternatives
Going vegetarian or vegan used to mean huge life changes, and you could forget going to a BBQ or enjoying a burger. The problem is, meat has a big impact on the planet, from the methane produced by animals to the clearing of forests and huge amounts of water needed to raise farm animals. Luckily, there are now lots of much-improved meat substitutes for vegetarians, which have a much lower carbon footprint and are low in fat. Over the years, the texture and taste of these vegetarian products have improved a lot, so why not serve them to the family and see if they notice?
- Get greener energy
Consumption of fossil fuels is killing the planet, and with supplies running low, everyone will have to look for alternatives soon. In some areas, you can switch electricity tariffs, so you get a greener supply, with more energy coming from alternative fuels. There are also a number of initiatives that are designed to encourage people to make their homes greener. For example, Solar Panel Funding may be able to help you get a grant towards adding solar panels to your home, which means you can power many of your day to day needs naturally.
- Cut out single use plastic
Cutting out single use plastic is a bit trickier, as people are so used to convenience. Luckily, there are plenty of products coming onto the market that make it easier to cut your plastic use. If you like to buy a coffee when you’re out with friends or need a bottle of water, you can still do these things. Buy a travel mug (some coffee shops will even give you a discount for using one), and take a water bottle out with you. Download the Refill app and you’ll find places where you can get tap water for free, saving you money too. You can buy some great shampoos and conditioners in bar form, and many household products are now refillable, so you aren’t throwing out plastic containers.
- Enjoy fashion that’s ethical
Fast fashion is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, cause of waste in the UK, so if you like to have a new outfit for every occasion, think about more ethical ways to do so. Hit up eBay, charity shops and Facebook marketplace for nearly new clothes, or check out some of the fashion brands who now offer clothes made from recycled materials. Buying fewer clothes is ultimately the greenest option, so consider whether it’d be easier in the long term to stick to well-made, classic pieces rather than buying new things all the time. It makes sense both for the planet and your wallet.