Manchester recorded the highest levels of air pollution anywhere in western Europe over the weekend.

At 11:00am on Saturday 8th September, Manchester’s central air quality monitoring station recorded the highest levels of air pollution anywhere in the whole of western Europe.

The Liberal Democrats have called on Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham and the region’s councils to clamp down on pollution after the city was placed top of the list for dangerous air.

The levels of fine dirt (PM2.5), which have an immediate temporary impact on the brainpower (cognitive processes) returned the highest reading across western Europe.

This follows a recent trend of toxic levels of air pollution spreading across Manchester according to the city’s monitoring stations.

Results are recorded hourly, received by the Greater Manchester Mayor’s team, and relayed to Beijing where Chinese experts prepare hourly World Maps indicating air pollution levels.

Government and EU statistics suggest that 6% of deaths a year in Manchester are caused by factors attributed to air pollution.

Beijing air pollution experts warned: “Active children and adults, and people with respiratory diseases such as asthma, should limit prolonged outdoor exertion”.

Liberal Democrat Spokesperson Greg Stanton said: “Our city is getting dangerously close to the point of no return and severe action must be taken right now to ensure warnings against children to playing outside don’t become a regular occurrence.

“Before the 2018 elections, we laid out clear plans on how to tackle air pollution in Manchester including more air pollution monitors, greater Metrolink coverage, increased cycle routes, cycle provisions for all new housing and an Oyster Card-style payment system.

“Leaders in Greater Manchester must now work across parties to implement our plans to fight back against air pollution as the Liberal Democrats will not stand by as we sleepwalk into the biggest disaster of our generation.”


  1. Clearly as a result of the roadworks on regent road jamming traffic. Inwas atuckt there for an hour Saturday morning and this hasnt improved as the weeknhas went on. Neesa sorting ASAP!!


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