Your MOT test can be a pain, or it can be a reassurance that your car care regimen is working as intended, keeping you safe and legally compliant on the UK’s busy road network. The latter is, in fact, the intention of the MOT test – it is not a single moment of your car being in great condition; rather it is meant as a check that your car is always in a roadworthy state. Elite offers the best MOT service in London. Give your car the expert touch that it needs, if your MOT or service is due. Let’s take a look at some reasons why garages fail MOTs.

Minor Faults

Minor faults, individually, are not enough to earn you a fail. Rather, they work like the old ‘advisory’ warnings, albeit with more of an expectation that they will be repaired at your earliest convenience, rather than being left to become a major problem. However, if your vehicle has a lot of minor faults, the MOT inspector must issue a fail until most, if not all, of these small problems are sorted out.

Major Faults

A major fault is an indication of a serious problem with your vehicle and while you should not drive your vehicle in this condition, you may do so under certain conditions, namely that your current MOT certificate is still valid, and that you have no ‘dangerous’ aspects in your failed MOT test. However, if you do drive your vehicle, it really should only be to another garage for repairs assuming your MOT test site can’t do them for you.

Dangerous Faults

Just as the name implies, your car is in a dangerous condition, will certainly not earn its MOT certificate at this point, and should not be driven anywhere under any circumstances. It can, however, be towed or carried by flatbed to a repair centre to have those egregious faults remedied before the retest.

What You Won’t Fail For…

What garages will not do is fail your MOT inspection in an attempt to force you to let them ‘repair’ your vehicle for a fat fee! Not only will any garage attempting this get into severe trouble with the DVSA who has oversight over MOT inspectors and the sites from which they work, but word of mouth will soon ensure that they lose all their business, not just their MOT work. It is really not worth it for any garage to issue malicious MOT fails – so if you have failed your test, it will be for valid reasons. Sorry.


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