If you have had to postpone your foreign holiday this summer do not fear!
If you are looking for ways to keep the family entertained from home, Knowsley Safari has a duo of exciting online activities lined up to keep spirits high.
August 24th, 25th and 28th
Home Safari Live: 10:30
- An online safari experience for the whole family, book your virtual family pass to an hour-long adventure led by the amazing Safari Educators.
- Choose what adventure you want to head out on from themes including Animal Movement, Keeper Life, Going Green, Food and Feeding and Knowsley Safari’s Conservation Champions.
- The fascinating sessions will showcase the Safari’s most spectacular sights as the presenters take you ‘up close and personal’ with the amazing animal residents, with viewers invited to ask questions along the way.
- The live safaris are aimed at 8-11-year olds but are suitable for the whole family. Click here to book your £5 family e-ticket.
Saturday 29th August
Career Talk: 13:15-14:15
- If you or your child is interested in working with animals register for Knowsley Safari’s online career talk which provides key information about the following career options: Animal Keeping, Research & Conservation, Conservation Education and Veterinary Medicine.
- Experts across all disciples (Veterinary Medicine excluded – any questions relating to this field will need to be pre-submitted and delivered by the host) will breakdown the qualifications needed, salary expectations, daily tasks and responsibilities, pros and cons of each job role.
- Questions are welcomed and will be answered live throughout the session. Aimed for ages 14 years+ click here to book your £7 ticket.
Booking for both activities is essential. For further information and to reserve time slots and tickets please click here.