As a student, one of life’s most important yet sometimes neglected elements is mental health.

Living away from home, manoeuvring new social groups, and academic stress may all have a negative impact on one’s mental health. With this in mind, Manchester offers a variety of resources and support services available to help students in need.  

And now, we’ll talk about some of the support and resources available to students in Manchester to help promote good mental health and well-being.

  • University of Manchester

The University of Manchester offers a variety of mental health services to its students. The Counselling Service offers short-term, confidential therapy to students who are dealing with emotional concerns such as stress, anxiety, depression, or relationship problems. The service provides an initial session to assess the student’s requirements before providing adequate support through one-on-one counselling or group therapy. 

Furthermore, the University’s Mental Health Advisors provide specialised assistance to students suffering from mental illnesses such as bipolar, eating, or personality disorders. The Advisors offer information and assistance in managing mental health disorders, including medication recommendations, coping methods, and referrals to other resources as required. 

Students at the University of Manchester can also access a variety of self-help services, such as online courses, self-help manuals, and applications. These resources include a wide range of mental health concepts, such as mindfulness, stress management, and resilience development. Throughout the academic year, they also hold workshops and events on mental health and well-being on campus and at its Manchester uni accommodation.

  • Manchester Mind Charity

Manchester Mind is a charitable organisation that offers a variety of mental health services to residents of Manchester, especially students. For almost 30 years, the organisation has been assisting people with mental health issues and has extensive experience in helping those in need.

One of Manchester Mind’s main offerings is counselling, which can help students resolve emotional issues and create coping mechanisms for anxiety, depression, and other stressful situations. 

They also provide peer support, which involves matching young ones with people who have dealt with similar mental health issues. They also offer a variety of group activities, such as art therapy and mindfulness classes, which can foster a feeling of community and assist students in developing coping strategies that they can use in their everyday lives.

  • National Health Service (NHS)

The National Health Service (NHS), including the Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust, provides various mental health services.

The Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust provides services such as community mental health teams, crisis management and residential therapy teams, and speciality services for children and young people. These services are provided by psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses, and social workers qualified to provide support and therapy for various mental health disorders.

Students experiencing mental health issues can get help from the Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust by calling their GP or self-referring online. The organisation also offers a 24-hour crisis hotline for anyone in need. So you can call them anytime from anywhere to ask for help, whether in your Manchester accommodation or at a party.

  • Students Against Depression

Students Against Depression is a website that gives information and support to students struggling with depression. The website was created by students who suffered from depression and attempted to deliver practical information and assistance to students in order to help them manage their mental health.

The website provides a variety of resources, including self-help methods, information on obtaining professional treatment, and personal experiences from other students who have struggled with depression. There are additional resources for friends and family members of students who are depressed, as well as advice on how to help a person going through difficult circumstances. 

They also provide a free, confidential helpline for students in need.


We hope this article helps you to identify resources available to students in Manchester to help promote good mental health and well-being. Manchester offers a variety of solutions to help students with their mental health, including counselling services, mental health experts, nonprofit organisations, and online resources.

Remember that it’s a sign of strength, and there are numerous resources in Manchester to support you. If you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to seek help; remember that you’re not alone.

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