Sky has announced that it will add HDR versions of its originals such as Chernobyl and Gangs of London in December, while over 40 movies including all eight Harry Potter films and Little Women will also be watchable in HDR in time for Xmas
Users will know the content they are watching has the extra fidelity via an HDR icon which will pop up when selecting content.
The changes come as part of upgrades to the Sky Q platform which include the ability to keep watching, no matter the weather – you can now watch recordings, video on demand and access apps, even if your TV satellite signal is lost as well as more ways to use voice search, so you can find personalised recommendations with “What should I watch” which will show you TV and movies suited to you, say “Show me great TV” to see the best of Sky and Netflix, or “Made for Laughter lovers” for comedy fans.
Viwers will also be able to see what’s live on their ‘favourited’ TV channels with the new personalised What’s On Now and Next rail on the home page, so you don’t need to visit the TV guide