A man has been jailed for contempt of court for recording his brother’s murder trial in Manchester

The trial for the murder of Badri Issa on Moss Side Lane East was interrupted when Rijaan Mohamed dropped his phone from the balcony public gallery into the court room.

The phone was recovered and was found to have been recording for over an hour and a half.

Further analysis of his phone showed he had been recording over several days whilst the trial was ongoing.

He was the brother of Raami Mohamed who along with Kevell Blake were found guilty of murder and manslaughter this week at Manchester Crown court

He pleaded guilty to contempt of court and appeared at Manchester Crown Court where he was sentenced today to seven months in prison

Detective Chief Inspector Andy Naismith, our Senior Investigating Officer for the murder of Badri Issa said: “This has been an extremely difficult trial for the family of Badri Issa, made more challenging through the conduct of certain individuals.

“Badri Issa lost his life in the cruellest of circumstances, trying to de-escalate a situation, and my thoughts will always remain with his loved ones who have gone through so much.

“The actions of Raajan Mohammed are unacceptable, and I welcome this sentence today. I hope it demonstrates how seriously we take the conduct of defendant’s families inside and outside of the courtroom.”


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