IMAGINE a night out where the price of your drinks is controlled by a Stock Market style index.
The most popular drinks rise in cost while they continue to be bought while the others drop in price – eventually leading to a stock market ‘crash’ periodically throughout the evening.
Well, imagine no more, because that’s exactly what Viper – the nightlife app designed to upgrade your night out an put the best bars within reach – is about to launch at Impossible bar in Manchester.
In partnership with Kuro Gin and Jagermeister, the new night is called ‘The Trading Floor’ and launches at Impossible bar in Manchester on Wednesday October 24. Kuro will be supplying a welcome G&T to everyone coming in for the launch night.
The unique night operates a full ‘trading floor’ in the main bar of Impossible, with the action centred around huge digital screens that will be set up like a stock market style trading board. The trading boards hold drinks items and prices will rise and fall throughout the night, depending on the popularity of the drinks on offer
The system is allied to the bar’s tills and as one drink is being bought consistently, the price goes up forcing those products not being sold to fall in price. Drinks on offer include beers, prosecco, vodka and gin options plus all the other usual bar staples.
Trading floor sets thresholds so that once products hit a certain point…the market crashes. Then, drinks prices re-set to a low starting point as dance company, Femme Fatale, enter the fray and perform a parade show through the bar, amid ticker tape falling from the ceiling.
Viper co-founder Craig Davies said: “The Trading Floor will run every Wednesday from 6pm till late and we’ve got something very special planned for Wednesday 31st Oct, as we’re going to hold a Halloween special that’ll be a uniquely spooky trading floor!
“It’s a new concept for the city – there’s no other night out there quite like The Trading Floor and we anticipate it will add enough new spark to that midweek hump to get city centre workers heading in our direction from the office, as well as providing something very different for those coming into the city centre later in the evening.
“Viper’s previous track record for successful events has led to us landing a regular Wednesday at one of Manchester’s most popular bars.”
Tables can be pre-booked using the Viper app (available on the app store) and are priced at £30 per person with a minimum of 4 people per table, which gets you a bar tab and the table for the night. These are only bookable via the app.
Music wise, The Trading Floor features a setlist containing old school RnB cuts, taking it back to the halcyon days of the 80s/90s, sprinkled with a soupcon of noughties tracks.