Rapidly warming Arctic could cause spread of nuclear waste, undiscovered viruses and dangerous chemicals,...

Rapidly thawing Arctic permafrost has the potential to release radioactive waste from cold war nuclear submarines and reactors, antibiotic resistant bacteria and potentially undiscovered...

‘Graphene-like’ nanocomposite battery boost for smartphones, tablets and laptops

Scientists have a developed a new nanocomposite material that boosts battery life and improves the performance of everyday gadgets such as smartphones, tablets and...

Earth is ‘really quite sick now’ and in danger zone in nearly all ecological...

Humans are taking colossal risks with the future of civilization and everything that lives on Earth, a new Earth Commission study published today in...

Fujifilm Announce X-Pro3 Mirrorless Camera

Minimal distractions, just photography: Fujifilm release X-Pro3, the latest mirrorless digital camera to join the X Series line-up. Fujifilm Corporation, President - Kenji Sukeno, is...

Research lights up process for turning CO2 into sustainable fuel

Researchers have successfully transformed CO2 into methanol by shining sunlight on single atoms of copper deposited on a light-activated material, a discovery that paves...

Streetwise bees cut corners to find food

Bumblebees waste no time enjoying the beauty of flowers – instead learning the bare minimum about where to land and find food, new research...
Ancient genomes from the herpes virus that commonly causes lip sores have been sequenced for the first time by an international team

The first ancient herpes genomes to be sequenced suggest that the virus became widespread...

Ancient genomes from the herpes virus that commonly causes lip sores – and currently infects some 3.7 billion people globally – have been sequenced...