Discover Wordsworth in free online course

Have you ever wondered how Wordsworth came to write his poetry and what inspired him? Lancaster University is launching a new online course which explores...

A NEW £120,000 partnership project between ManchesterMetropolitan University's Centre for Youth Studies and the city’s youth justice services could help practitioners better support young...

Now more than ever People Protest and the CND in Manchester

From the founding of the national Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament and the Aldermaston marches in the 1950s to the start of a local branch...

Manchester academics critical about government moves on climate change

Academics at Manchester's Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research has responded to Energy and Climate Change Secretary Amber Rudd's first major speech on the...

View Rugby’s Webb Ellis cup in Manchester

England is set to go head-to-head with Uruguay in the Rugby World Cup 2015 in Manchester this October - for the home nation's only...

City living booms in Manchester

City centre living has boomed in Manchester since the start of the century, with young people leading the move back into urban areas, according...

£8m boost for Manchester’s Roads

More than eight million pounds of extra money is going to be spent on improving Manchester’s busiest roads over the next three years. Manchester City...

All things Gothic at John Rylands

Two of Manchester’s foremost researchers into all things Gothic have worked together to co-curate a new exhibition at the John Rylands library. Dr Xavier Aldana...

Happy Birthday AllFm

ALL FM 96.9 is opening its doors to the community this Saturday 25th July to celebrate fifteen years of broadcasting. The community radio station that...

The rise of Manchester’s sixty-something socialites

New retirees are embracing their retirement with a whirlwind of socialising, activity and travel on a par with those in their twenties. That's according to...