Rochdale to unveil memorial to heroes of Gallipoli

A permanent memorial will be unveiled in Rochdale this summer to honour the service of local men who fought in one of the bloodiest...

New tool maps England’s climate change hotspots

A new website which aims to support fairer decision-making and policy creation on climate change has been produced by researchers at the University of...

UK Bionic Eye trial starts in Manchester

The first study that aims to establish whether blind patients with loss of central vision will be taking at Manchester's Royal Eye Hospital. The trial,...

New defibrillator zone is launched in Manchester City Centre

A new campaign which will increase the numbers of defibrillators across Manchester city centre has been launched. The pilot ‘HeartSafe’ Zone in Piccadilly, a joint...

Television is for old people?

This is the question being debated at this month's Discuss Event as they explore who actually watches how many of those viewers make the...

Manchester stand proud in shopping stakes as the UK market rapidly changes

Manchester stands second in the UK in the top shopping destination stakes according to a new report out this week. The CallCredit 2014 Retail Vision...

Three parent Babies are almost certainly a good thing argues Manchester academic.

As Parliament prepares to debate the controversial proposal that would give legal backing to so-called 'three-parent babies', a Manchester academic says the proposed change...

New Art exhibition explores Bolton’s Industrial legacy

A new exhibition which opens today explores part of Bolton's Industrial Heritage. The Mills Mines Machinery Art Exhibition features original artwork by the Blackrod Art...

A huge pay gap between the best and worst paid full-time workers living in...

A £15,000 discrepancy, a widening gap between manufacturing and service workers and gender inequality. These are the results of a survey out showing that there...

Life in the Victorian Asylum

A new book by Mark Stevens Life in the Victorian Asylum reconstructs the lost world of the nineteenth century public asylums. This fresh take...