NHS needs to keep staff happy if it is to thrive for another 70...

In the wake of the NHS anniversary celebrations, a think-tank has found that an engaged and happy workforce is the key the NHS thriving...

Christie shortlisted in six categories for prestigious research awards

Researchers at The Christie have been shortlisted for six accolades at the prestigious Greater Manchester Clinical Research Awards. Staff from Manchester’s world leading cancer centre...

New evidence published today provides strong evidence that falls in people over sixty-years...

Falls are a leading cause of accidental or unintentional injury deaths worldwide. Older adults suffer the greatest number of fatal falls and...

Salford Pensioners missing out on up to £2 million in benefits

Pensioners in Salford could be missing out on hundreds of pounds a month by not claiming Pension Credit. Salford City Council estimates that up...

Drinkers ignore government guidance and construct personal thresholds

New research highlights that national guidance on safe levels of alcohol consumption is disconnected from the real life experiences and conceptions of those who...

Pioneering group announced to tackle North/South health inequalities

Leading health experts across the North have joined together in response to worsening health inequalities in England, which show that over 50% of the...

It’s never too late says Manchester study

People who start training later in life can have the same performance and health benefits as those who have trained all of their lives,...

Ban eating and drinking on public transport

The country’s top doctor has urged the banning of eating and drinking on public transport in the fight against obesity. Professor Dame Sally Davis, the...

Average UK person just as likely to be unpaid carer as homeowner

You are just as likely to care unpaid for a loved one as to own your own home, according to new figures. Charity Carers UK...

Pet therapy is coming to Tameside Hospital

Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care NHS FT will start running pet therapy sessions for patients in the Trust throughout 2020. The sessions will be run...