UK failed to react to the coronavirus threat fast enough & is now heading...

A leading pandemic expert Sir Jeremy Farrar has said that the UK failed to react quickly enough to the Coronavirus epidemic and could now be...

‘Postcode lottery’ of PPE, survey of surgeons finds

A third of surgeons and trainees surveyed across the UK by the Royal College of Surgeons of England (RCS) say they do not believe...

Coronavirus: Is the UK more active than ever before?

Physical activity may have changed for the better but our community activities are suffering, says Dr Chris Mackintosh of Manchester Metropolitan University  For the first...

Thousands of public service workers contact UNISON with ‘harrowing’ stories about protective kit.

Thousands of people working in the NHS, social care and local services have contacted a Unison hotline in the last week expressing anxiety at...

Lives at risk due to 50% drop in heart attack A&E attendances

People suffering heart attacks during the coronavirus outbreak may be putting their lives at risk by delaying seeking medical help, according to the British...

Economic downturn and wider NHS disruption likely to hit health hard – especially health...

The coronavirus pandemic poses clear and obvious dangers to the health of individuals who are infected with the virus. But worsening economic conditions and disruptions...

Simple fix creates coronavirus breathing aids

Engineers and scientists have developed a way to convert a sleep apnoea machine into a ventilator to treat people with covid-19. The modification – of a device known as a NIPPY...

Playing video games linked to higher BMI in kids

Playing video games as a young child has been linked to an increased body mass index (BMI) as a teenager. Scientists from the University of...

Coronavirus Latest-5373 people have now died in UK hospitals

The department of health and social care said as of 5pm yesterday 5,373 people who had tested positive for coronavirus have died in UK...

Manchester’s Nightingale Hospital is recruiting

NHS Nightingale Hospital North West is a key facility in the region’s response to Covid-19. Located at Manchester Central the new hospital is part...