A second City Battalion was now being formed due to the massive response to recruitment in Manchester with an office to process applicants opening at the Free Trade Hall.
Manchester’s shop assistants were organizing a volunteer Corps and over one hundred and fifty had already joined and were being drilled at the City exhibition hall
A disgusted spectator wrote a letter to the Evening News, having gone to watch the football at Manchester City
a crowd of 12,000 most if them cleanly built well set up young fellows who seemed capable of doing anything and getting anywhere…..when an opposing player committed a foul, their howls of excretion could not have been fiercer if they had found a German sealing up a pit of miners….it was a very sad spectacle I pictured in my mind what our brave fellows were doing at that moment on the front and how they were suffering and dying while these chaps were wasting their time and many watching the kicking of the ball
Two Oldham men had gone missing on a boat off the coast at Blackpool.They were aboard a small sailing boat which had set off from Cleverleys and was thought to have capsized.
The news from the continent was that the defenses of Paris were being prepared as the German advance continued, though the French issued a statement saying that their lines remained solid.
Ten thousand German troops were said to be occupying Brussels and their army continued to head towards the coast.