The London Evening Standard printed a blistering attack on Manchester calling it the most backward city in the empire in realizing the German peril
” when thousands of English lives are lost thought the activity of German secret services agents running around in this country it said, Manchester apparently is unmoved.
It claimed that two hundred shipping firms and one hundred and fifty German houses are represented in the Chamber of Commerce and five teen magistrates have ” the right German rig”
“While thousands of loyal Lancashire men are at the front”, it added “Manchester is once again at the back in the places in the kingdom to realize the facts of the life and death struggle now in progress.”
The man accused of the murder the previous week of Nellie Galloway in Ardwick appeared in front of the magistrates.
The prosecution gave more details of the murder. After visiting the local picture house Henry Brown and Nellie quarreled, the girl complaining that he had got so deceitful and jealous recently.
Brown was heard to mutter that he would do away with himself later going to his lodgings where it was alleged he picked up a razor.
Later the two along with Nellie’s sister Olive went out on an errand when Brown attacked her with the razor and she died almost immediately.
Brown fled but was arrested the next morning in a railway cabin at Cornbrook.
A friend of the accused showed the court a postcard he had given him on the night of the attack ” I’m upset became she is turning on me and it is breaking my heart” it read
The prisoner was committed for trial at the next assizes.