
Rochdale Borough Council has developed an innovative idea for grass verges which is brightening roads across the borough.

The stunning wild flower verges are a sown from a seed mixture in Spring which includes Poppies, California Poppy, Coreopsis, Cornflower, Larkflower and the White flowering bullwort which adds height to the displays when they bloom in late summer.

The wild flower verges have been so popular with members of the public, that Rochdale Borough Council has been inundated with requests on where to buy the seed mix.  In response to this, next year the Council will make the seed mix available at Bowlee Nursery with a how to guide for anyone who wants to create their own wild flower haven in their back garden.

Councillor Neil Emmott, the council’s cabinet member for housing and environment, said: “We’re always looking for ingenious ways to make the borough look spectacular and the wild flower borders are a stunning addition to the Borough’s roads.  They really lift areas which would have traditionally been grass verges and are great for local wildlife.  But they’re also economical too, with savings made on grass cutting. ”

The Council are now asking local residents for suggestions of where they would like to see further wild flower verges for planting next Spring, suggestions can be made by e-mailing[email protected]


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