Although it is never pleasant to consider a period after death, life insurance can provide you and your loved ones with peace of mind in this regard. Most individuals view life as a sequence of significant events that occasionally prompt them to consider the future. You can’t help but worry about what could happen to the people you leave behind when considering your life and beyond. It’s likely that any outstanding bills or expenses, such as a mortgage, childcare payments, or even funeral, hospital, or care costs, will fall under the financial responsibility of your dependents or next of kin. 

You could only want to leave a legacy for your loved ones, aid with the future living expenses of any dependents, or provide a little amount to help with your burial, even if you have been frugal with your money and have no outstanding obligations. Regardless of the amount you want to leave, planning and purchasing options like Pure Cover life insurance may give you peace of mind. The most popular justifications for purchasing life insurance are outlined here.

1. Buying a new home

Someone you love will be responsible for making mortgage payments if you pass away before they are paid off. You may take proactive measures to guarantee that the people you love can continue to make ends meet financially after you pass away by purchasing life insurance.

Reduced coverage: If you have a mortgage or other significant debt that needs to be paid back, life insurance is one kind of coverage that might be helpful. Your coverage will pay out less the longer it is in effect. This is because the insurance helps with these payments, and your debts are also getting less. This kind of coverage may also have reduced monthly rates.

Level-term life insurance may pique your attention more if you have an interest-only mortgage. Here, the policy is in effect for a predetermined period, and rewards are fixed. One benefit of this type of coverage is that should you pass away within the first year of your policy or a year before it expires, your family would get the same amount of money.

2. Income replacement

Just picture your family’s situation if the money you offer them suddenly vanishes. By purchasing whole life insurance, you may ensure that your loved ones have the resources necessary to assist:

  • Pay for nursery, medical care, and other services. 
  • Pay for tuition and other educational costs. 
  • Pay off the family debt.
  • Maintain a family-run business.

3. Planning for funeral

The British Seniors Funeral Report 2021 states that the average funeral cost was around £5,631 from 2016 to 2021. Funeral expenses can be covered by over-50s insurance, flat-term policies, and rising-term policies. Term life insurance and over-50s life insurance are different since the former has a set duration, and the latter only lasts as long as the policyholder is alive and pays out upon death. That does not imply, however, that you will pay a certain amount of money every day. When you die, turn 95 years old, or the anniversary of your coverage, you will no longer be required to pay premiums. Although it’s not a requirement, you might want to think about a Funeral Benefit Option if paying for your funeral is your primary reason for obtaining the policy.

4. Inheritance tax

It’s also possible for someone to determine they require life insurance due to inheritance taxes opening a new window. When it comes to those planning to leave money for their children when they pass away, inheritance tax has grown to be a nightmare. Tens of thousands of pounds in bills might significantly reduce the legacy left to your children. They may, however, benefit from whatever you had meant for them to get if you had purchased a life insurance policy that paid the tax payment.

Additionally, consider putting your insurance policy into a trust opens a new window. Your assets become the property of the trust if the terms of the trust are fulfilled rather than you. Your assets can be free from inheritance tax under HMRC regulations. You will have control over the trust’s administration, including whether a trustee holds your assets until your beneficiary reaches a specific age or if they pass directly to the beneficiary upon your death.

Because trusts have significant legal ramifications, they should only be established after careful consideration and discussion with an unbiased legal or financial advisor. It isn’t easy to reverse the trust that you have established in your insurance, so knowing exactly what you are doing ahead of time is essential. When contemplating this route, it’s crucial to examine how you want your money to be managed in the long run, as there are several types of trust accessible.

While not necessary for everyone, there are several reasons to get life insurance options like Pure Cover life insurance. It’s crucial to assess your financial and personal circumstances and decide what’s best for you and your family.


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