Swanage welcomes thousands of tourists each year, particularly during late spring and summer. The sandy beaches fill up with large crowds, which means good business for locals. And because of the rise in the number of tourists visiting the town, local authorities have tightened their waste management measures. The recycling efforts in Swanage are stronger than ever. Local authorities impose strict measures when it comes to keeping public places clean.
Signboards are placed in different locations around town to remind tourists about disposing their waste properly. Local residents are also conscious about how they manage their waste, choosing to recycle what they can instead of discarding everything in one go.
Swanage recycling facilities
This little seaside town in the Isle of Purbeck has several recycling facilities. These facilities have received tremendous support from the local government over the past few years. Local residents and tourists can help in reducing the amount of waste in Swanage by sending their trash to the recycling facilities which can be found in Victoria Avenue, North Beach Car Park, and Ulwell Caravan Park.
Improvements in waste management in Swanage
Just like any other tourist destination in the UK, Swanage has seen huge improvements in the way the town manages its waste and the good news is that Dorset has one of the highest recycling rates in the UK.. Local authorities recognise that things can get worse without proper recycling efforts in place.
In Dorset alone, 220,000 tonnes of household waste are collected each year, based on the latest information from the Swanage News. The UK government plans to usher in new measures to prevent this national trend from going up.
One of these measures is the total ban of plastics. This move is expected to reduce a significant amount of waste not only in popular tourist destinations, but for the entire nation as well. It’s also necessary to educate people about the harmful effects of using plastic and encourage them to recycle to minimise the amount of waste being sent to landfills.
It’s also worth noting that the process of collecting, treating, and disposing of waste in Dorset have been improved to reduce cost and environmental impact. These forward-thinking measures are necessary to ensure that waste management wouldn’t be an issue despite the growing population in Dorset.
The move toward sustainability
Sustainability should be the core focus of collecting, treating, and disposing waste. These changes are necessary in order to keep Swanage, and all of the UK for that matter, friendlier to the environment.
The residents are now encouraged to recycle as much as possible while discarding their waste properly. These simple efforts can go a long way in keeping trash away from landfills.
Swanage has taken huge strides toward keeping the entire town as clean as possible. The government has set new targets, requiring households and businesses to recycle and reuse whenever the opportunity arises.
A continuous effort must be maintained to ensure that the new targets are met. Nearly one-third of household waste is currently being recycled or turned into compost, while the rest goes to landfills. With more robust recycling measures in place, the hope is for a larger percentage of household waste to be recycled and begin efforts to clear up landfills for good.