Clinical teams from Stockport and Macclesfield have been working together to introduce a new procedure to enhance treatment for patients with gastrointestinal conditions.

In recent weeks the first patients at Stepping Hill Hospital have now been assessed using the new Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) procedure, which in each case has been successful.

EUS was previously only available from Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust, which meant patients had to travel much further to receive it. Having EUS available closer to home also means waiting times have been greatly reduced, from a number of months down to just a few weeks.

EUS is a minimally invasive procedure to assess conditions and diseases of the digestive (gastrointestinal) tract and other nearby organs and tissues by using of a thin, flexible tube (endoscope) inserted into the gastrointestinal tract and a device that uses sound waves to create images (ultrasound).

Examples of gastrointestinal conditions that can be assessed include; gallstone disease, changes within the pancreas and lumps and bumps found within the stomach and oesophagus.

EUS offers several advantages over traditional endoscopy tests. It lets doctors examine organs and other structures that can’t be seen through standard endoscopy procedures, and because the ultrasound device is inside the body, right next to the organs, it can create more detailed and accurate images. It also offers an alternative to MRI scans for people who struggle with claustrophobia.

The introduction of EUS has been made possible due to closer partnership working between Stockport NHS Foundation Trust and East Cheshire NHS Trust, pooling their clinical skills with consultants from both trusts working on the procedure, which is estimated to benefit over 200 patients a year between the two areas.

Jennifer Scott, Hepatology and Gastroenterology Consultant for Stockport NHS Foundation Trust said “We’re really pleased that hundreds of patients in both Stockport, Macclesfield and their surrounding areas will now be benefiting from EUS much closer to home, and a lot sooner too. This has been made possible from close partnership working not just between Stockport NHS Foundation Trust and East Cheshire NHS Trust, but also between the endoscopy and radiology teams within these trusts.  Many people have worked hard for this to happen and we look forward to the results of this partnership enhancing endoscopy treatment for our patients for many years to come.”


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