PICTURE BY CHRIS BULL FOR CITY OF TREES 23/5/18 The Willows Primary School in Wythenshawe. Pupils are helped by City of Trees to plant 22 memorial trees to mark the anniversary of the Manchester bombing. Beth Kelsall from City of Trees with pupils Cain McCafferty , ten and Emmie Wayman , ten. Further info from- Sarah McNally Marketing & Communications Manager City of Trees team t: 0161 872 1660 e: [email protected] w: www.cityoftrees.org.uk www.chrisbullphotographer.com

Children from The Willows Primary School in Wythenshawe planted 22 large ‘memorial’ trees as well as created a bee-friendly meadow to mark the anniversary of the Manchester bombing.

Working alongside environmental charity City of Trees, who has pledged to plant 3 million trees across Greater Manchester – one for every man, woman and child, the large trees took root on the school grounds.

In total around 120 pupils from the Primary school took part in the planting, getting their hands muddy to create the memorial.

The school wanted to plant 22 trees to mark the 22 people killed in the attack which took place on 22 May 2017.

The school have also been involved in the ‘Bee in the City’ project and are hosting one of the large bees which will be decorated before going out into the community.

As well as planting the new trees, which consisted of hawthorn, cherry, birch, rowan and oak, the school created a wildflower meadow, planting flowers to attract bees and other insects.

There are also plans to erect a large bee sculpture to act as a further tribute.

All the children involved in the planting were also given a pack of wildflower seeds to create their own butterfly and bee-friendly wildflower meadow at home.

Year 5 Class Teacher Tunde Oyinloye commented “This is a really nice gesture and it’s a great way for the children to talk about things that are difficult in a positive way”.

Beth Kelsall, City of Trees “When we were approached by the school about this initiative we were thrilled to get involved and proud to see the new trees take root, leaving a fitting lasting legacy and a green memorial for generations to come”


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