Greater Manchester Police (GMP) is launching its new and improved iPhone app, which for the first time will allow users to receive push notifications tailored to their preferences.
The app – which has been developed by the GMP Digital Team – will be available to download from Wednesday 8 April 2015 and will be an updated version of the iPhone app which was launched in January 2013 and has since been downloaded almost 27,000 times.
Developers have listened to feedback on the original app and made a number of ‘behind the scenes’ changes to make the app easier to use and add a number of new features.
For the first time the app will allow the user to receive push notifications, alerting them to major incidents or urgent appeals. The user will have the option to set their push notification preferences so that they can limit their alerts to cover certain divisions.
Other new features include a campaigns section where people can keep up to date with the latest campaigns and a refuge & support section which provides a list of local support centre addresses and contact details. Improvements have been made to the existing ‘Around You’ map feature so now the user can filter what kind of nearby event or appeals they want to appear on the map.
The app also provides access to information about the nearest police station and neighbourhood policing teams, contact details and meetings. The easy to use intelligence submission section allows people to report non-urgent intelligence information.
More updates for the app are being planned soon and users are encouraged to contact GMP through Facebook or Twitter with their feedback on the latest version as well as what they would like to see in future versions.
Chief Superintendent John O’Hare said: “I am delighted with the new and improved app and I believe that, with its new features, it can help us to provide an even better service to the people of Greater Manchester.
“The addition of the push notifications will allow us to keep the public updated with major incidents in real time as well as reduce the amount of time it takes for urgent appeals to be seen which can make all the difference.
“I hope that everybody who downloads the app is as pleased with it as we are and I would welcome any feedback that users may have.”
The updated version of the app is currently available for download on iOS7 and iOS8 devices from the App Store at with the updated version of the Android app planned for release later this year.