The Chief Constable of Greater Manchester has rebutted claims in this morning’s Daily Telegraph that his officers would not adequately police Tier 3 restrictions across the region
The article, on the paper’s front page said that yesterday Priti Patel, the Home Secretary, phoned the Greater Manchester chief constable, Ian Hopkins, to ensure he had “all the support” he needed from “local politicians” suggesting that police ultimately reported to Andy Burnham.
In a statement issued this morning the Chief Constable said that all officers and staff are accountable to me as Chief Constable adding that it is for local and national politicians to agree the restrictions
“Throughout the Coronavirus Pandemic, GMP have taken a proportionate response to policing the regulations. Over the last 10 weeks we have had more stringent local restrictions and have maintained this approach, issuing 563 fixed penalty notices for breaches of the regulations.” said Ian Hopkins