Private Mathew Pickford of Ashton had returned home after being invalidated out of the fightng at Compeigne after first capturing eight guns and four hundred prisoners.
He had witnessed the charge of the first cavalry brigade and had seen the death of Major Cawley whose entered the firing line carrying just a rifle when his head was completely shattered by a shell.
Turkey had now joined the war on the side of the Central powers and news was arriving that HMS Minerva had shelled the Turkish fort of Akaba on the Red Sea destroying the fort and the barracks.
Three thousand Turkish subjects were said to be in the Manchester area, most were engaged in the shipping business with every important commercial house having a Manchester branch. It was estimated that trade with Turkey was over a million pounds a year to the city.
More wounded soldiers arrived in Manchester and the struggle to find accommodation for them was continuing. It was announced that Trafford Hall had now been secured and one hundred beds would be brought into use.
Six hundred beds were already in use at Whitworth Hall and arrangements were being made to take over the public buildings and warehouses to convert into hospitals.
The new Carnegie Library at Chorlton Cum Hardy was opened by The Lord Mayor of Manchester , the Carnegie’s had contributed five thousand pounds towards its construction.
A thirteen year old boy in Trafford was charged with causing grevious bodily harm to a ten year old after shooting him in the back of the leg with a pistol.
Manchester was considering lowering its electric lights particularly advertising signs and lights on buildings fearing that they may be used as a guide for enemy aircraft.