I’ve had a goodish day in work and the glorious sunshine actually helped for once. I am wearing the outfit that I wanted to wear to work in the summer which is a very floaty orange skirt and a white linen top.
It’s a size smaller than I have been for a long long time and I’m feeling pretty good – especially as it’s paired with my “treat to myself” Gucci trainers. Not looking too bad for a 50 year old – I feel 21 again!
What is it with these people, especially very clever people, who think that the rules just don’t apply to them. It’s not difficult – just follow the government advice. Oh, sorry, Professor Neil Ferguson’s with your married girlfriend, you are responsible for the government advice! I’d love to know what you know that you’ve not shared to give you the power to flout the rules.
There were a few political sound bites from today:
“Don’t inspect your entrails in the middle of the battle”. I’m not sure which politician said it but it’s very apt for where we are right now.
I was very impressed with Kier Starmer today. He wasn’t directly confrontational in The House but had that confident air of a barrister about him. Be careful – he’s not daft – and you’ll all be telling the truth before you know it!
Poor Jonathan Ashworth, the Labour MP from Leicester, got a bit grumpy on the TV this morning as people had been taking the wossname out of his 1970’s retro wallpaper in the lounge. He now does his interviews from the kitchen – Hilarious!
The laugh of today was seeing the new amazing Banksie in Southampton on a white board in a hospital and picturing the cleaners coming along wiping it clean. We then realised it was in a case – PHEW!!
My List: 3 episodes of Modern Family; several chapters of my book; sorted out a drawer; & cooked a very good bolognase.
My Lowlight: Lockdown is to be lifted, apparently. Let’s not get too giddy yet though as it’s all speculation. It only changes when the crazy blonde man on the tv tells us it is ok to go out. NOT BEFORE!
My Highlight: I thought my “ordered when drunk” crystal glasses had turned up today but, no, it was a fabulous candle from The White Company from my lovely colleague. It made my day!
My Anxiety Level: Still Low – I’m beginning to think I’m deluded.