Monday already – how on earth did that happen?! I can’t quite put my finger on it today but I am just not inspired at all.
I’m not sure if it is because the weather is a bit dull or our reality, well at least our new reality, is beginning to hit home. I also think with being in the house all the time over the weekend, it’s incredibly difficult to create segregated workspace and dedicated home space to maintain a healthy degree of separation. I am also very very tired which is crazy as I am getting tonnes of sleep and relaxation. Maybe it’s the “big brother house” factor so the less you do, the more you sleep.
Where I am working at the moment, there was some very sad news today that one of the colleagues in a different part of the UK who became ill last week has died over the weekend from suspected Covid-19. I’ve only been working with this Company for 8 months’ and I didn’t know the lady at all but was struck by a disproportionate level of sadness. It just feels like the virus is getting closer when it begins impacting people that are only a couple of steps removed from my life.
It’s my nephew’s 16th birthday today and even that seems surreal as, for the first time in his life, he has not come to stay with us for a full on birthday treat weekend in the run-up to the actual day. He won’t be allowed out to go to his favourite restaurant, his elder sister is home from university on lockdown so that will cramp his style, his mum is poorly in bed, his dad is working from home and he is only allowed out to walk the dog. Happy birthday, mate! However, on the brighter side of life, he isn’t at school like he usually is on his birthday so that surely, has got to be the silver lining.
My husband’s dad was a milkman so we’ve always had our milk delivered. It’s quite amazing as it was brilliant recycling before recycling was reinvented and Greta Thunberg was a twinkle in her dad’s eye. As an experiment, we trialled adding some of our essential shopping items to our milkman delivery. This was done on the basis that a delivery slot with a supermarket is just as rare as unicorn poo right now. If you can ignore the fact that potatoes and bread were just plonked on the step for anyone to see (for “see”, read “steal”) and anything to eat (for “anything” read “rats, foxes and other random animals”), it was brilliant.
Our fun event today was having our Italian lesson by Skype instead of in person. I’ve joined this way before when I’ve been working away but never with our lovely teacher at the other end of the screen and sitting side-by-side with my husband. It wasn’t quite as enjoyable but made cheating a bit easier!
One of the MANY things I am missing is my beautifully polished fingers and toes. I’ve already whinged about my fingers but I have a treatment to strengthen them so should be much better soon. My toenails are altogether different as they were covered with gel polish so they needed to be soaked off which always ends in disaster. Before I put myself on my internet shopping ban last week, I ordered a highly recommended polish remover that looked easier to use as it was in a nail varnish bottle so definitely worth a go. Oh, it was evil thick stuff but did the trick to remove it all in half an hour and not too much damage – so far. Tomorrow’s job is to paint them which will be a big faff and likely to end up on the carpet.
My List: Watched the 2nd of a 3 part documentary on Vladimir Putin to expand my horizons (8/10 – it was actually very interesting and I will make sure I “tape” the third part); tidied a section of my makeup drawer; and read another chapter of “The Power” (I’m motoring through its weirdness!).
My lowlight: Falling off the diet wagon on a Monday (yes, it’s only Monday) and eating several rounds of bread – it was wholemeal so could have been far worse!
My highlight: Finding a new unopened mascara in my drawer – I am saved as it’s my favourite!
My Anxiety levels: Non- existent and I am definitely in denial – but I just feel very sad today.