Welcome to Tuesday – officially the worst day of the week as it has no real purpose.
Let’s look at the not very scientific evidence – Monday is not too bad as you get to catch up with all your work mates after the weekend; Tuesday is, well, nothing; Wednesday is “hump day” Thursday is nearly the weekend; Friday is brilliant as it is the last working day for me, and I know there are many people who work over the weekend; Saturday is full of fun; & Sunday is chill-out central. So, that just leaves rubbish Tuesday! Actually, at the moment, all days are pretty dull. I really do miss my old life today and we are only on week 2.
Right, that’s it, I am no longer wearing pyjamas or tracksuits when I’m working from home as it is turning me into a slob. I am writing this working at the dining room table in very uncomfortable skinny jeans but it is a constant reminder to stop going to the fridge and to stop eating as these jeans will be loose in no time.
Oh, everything and everywhere seems so incredibly quiet today, even on our exercise walk in the evening. It’s the quietest I think I have ever seen Didsbury and it was eerie. All the shops, bars and restaurants were shuttered up and I just can’t see how they will all survive post C-19. What will we do?
I think the quietness of my surroundings – and my little nap at lunch time, perhaps – has really rubbed off on me today as I can’t quite lift my mood. I couldn’t be bothered with anything in the evening and just didn’t have any energy left by 7.30pm. Disgraceful. The most exciting thing I did all day was also the most practical thing as I put my earrings in for the first time in a while to save the holes closing over. DULL, DULL, DULL!!
My Parallel Universe: We should have been going round to some of our favourite friends for dinner to see them, their gorgeous girls and their new extension. We always have a riotous time and are usually a bit squiffy, well, a lot really, by the end but not today – it was a half hour WhatsApp video call instead. Not quite the same but better than nothing.
My List: Oh dear, not very much at all just a couple of chapters of this torturous book – will it ever end?!?! – and a marginally amusing TV programme about Waitrose (Classic line: “Daddy, does Lego have a silent t like Merlot”? 🤣) and the last in the series of “The Windsors” – hilarious!
My lowlight: I haven’t the energy to even have a low light. Deary me.
My highlight: Can’t think – does not having a lowlight count? Actually not having to take my makeup off as I hadn’t put any on but it’s shocking the grime your skin collects during the day.