A new report by the University of Salford has revealed the social housing sector’s significant impact on employment support.
Those housing associations which support their tenants into employment can do so for as little as £25 to £30 per tenant per year, according to The Housing Works: Assessing the Impact of Housing Association Employment Support report published today in Parliament.
Job clubs and enterprise development work are particularly successful for social tenants, it says.
Around half of working-age social housing residents are currently out of work and the unemployment rate among residents is almost three times that of other tenures.
Managing Director of the Give us a Chance (GUAC) consortium of social landlords, Lynsey Sweeney, said: “This report is a reminder of the importance of the work that housing providers do to help people into work.
“88% of the social tenant respondents have said that employment had positive social and economic impacts. For these reasons, GUAC are dedicated to working with housing associations and a range of stakeholders to support social tenants into rewarding employment.”