Manchester parents and their purses will be spared this summer as ParkLives launches hundreds of new free summer activity sessions, from Zumba to den building, in local parks.
With a range of activity types to try entirely free of charge, and activities taking place every day, there’ll be no need to worry about filling the long six week break, and no strain on the family budget.
Alongside the more traditional outdoor activities like rounders, cricket and yoga, the new summer ParkLives timetable – which is being delivered by Manchester City Council in partnership with Coca-Cola Great Britain – includes quirky activities such as Roaming Rangers, Family Frisbee Golf and Family Fun Fitness.
Free sessions will be held between 9.30am and 6.00pm every day of the summer holidays across seven community parks. Manchester residents are encouraged to come and try something new and there is no charge for any activities.
Highlights available throughout the summer include:
Roaming Rangers – An outdoor adventure session for children aged 6 weeks to 8 years, including story time, crafts and themed activities.
Family Frisbee Golf –Complete the course by landing the Frisbee in the basket in the fewest tries.
Women and girls Zumba – A Latin-inspired dance fitness class aimed at women and girls
Skateboarding – Aimed at children aged 8 -15 years – learn new tricks or simply have a go. Equipment provided.
Family Fun Fitness – A fun session where families can get fit together
Family Fun Fishing – Families can come along and try their hands at being fisherman.
Den Building – Learn how to build their own hideaway and enjoy outdoor play. Aimed at children aged 8-15 years.
Park Rugby – An introduction to the game ahead of the Rugby World Cup for children aged 8-15 years.
The sessions, which are typically an hour long, are all led by a trained activity leader. A full timetable – including a postcode park finder – can be found at, where people can also register and book to save a space at sessions.
Anne Marie Keating, health development leader, said: “This summer we’re bringing some great new quirky activities into the mix, offering everything from skateboarding to nostalgic family games, so there’s sure to be something to pique everyone’s interest. The sessions are designed to create a fun and encouraging environment so that anyone and everyone can get involved – and most importantly all the sessions are free – so what are you waiting for Manchester?!’
ParkLives is part of Coca-Cola Great Britain’s commitment to invest £20m between now and 2020 in programmes to encourage and support people to be physically active. The initiative is delivered in the City of Manchester by Manchester Council.
Liz Lowe, ParkLives lead at Coca-Cola Great Britain, said: “We hope that Manchester’s parks are going to be full of life this summer as new sessions are added to provide fun and free activities for the whole community. It’s the perfect opportunity for anyone to come out, enjoy the sun and their local green spaces while trying out something new and making new friends. There’s something for everyone, whatever their age or ability.”