The Bishop of Salford has written to all parishes and schools ahead of the Season of Lent to challenge us all to take action on Climate Change and to start to Think Global, Act Local.
In a pastoral letter, read in parishes at the weekend the Right Reverend John Arnold asked everyone to look beyond their personal lives this Lent, and their role within wider communities and our world.
He said:
“The effects of Climate Change is not a problem that we can just leave to governments to remedy. They must certainly play their part but Pope Francis tells us that we are all required, every one of us, to make changes to our lives and begin to repair the damage before matters become irreversible.
A great deal of difference can be made through a number of small actions in our personal lives.
To name a few: We can shop more carefully, particularly choosing local produce, so saving the expensive transportation costs and use of fuel. We can cut the temperature on our central heating. We can walk more and use less petrol, using public transport more regularly. We can turn lights off in unused rooms, hang washing out to dry rather than using energy-expensive drying machines. We can reduce the waste we make and re-cycle more.
These may seem almost trivial but they are significant ways where we can make an impact for the good. We show the goodness of our faith by our actions.”
In his letter Bishop John has challenged all parishes and schools in the Diocese of Salford to form a group concerned with educating and making practical responses to deal with climate change.
The challenge from the Bishop takes inspiration from Pope Francis landmark encyclical Laudato Si’, which calls on “every person living on this planet” to care for our shared earth.