A care agency based in East Manchester has been placed in special measures by the Health Watchdog after its services were found to be inadequate.

A Care Quality Commission Inspection earlier this year found BoJo Care Services in Hyde Road Debdale had seven breaches of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 in relation to person centred care, consent, safety, safeguarding, good governance, staffing and fit and proper persons employed.

BoJo is a domiciliary care agency, providing personal care to people living in their
own homes in the community. The service provides care to a range of people with different needs including older people, people living with dementia, learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health conditions.

When the inspection was carried out,there were 27 people receiving domiciliary care.

Receiving its first inspection, the Watchdog found that people were not safe. There were no risk assessments in place to mitigate risk and support people with moving and handling.

Care plans for people were not reviewed or involved people or their representatives and there was no evidence that care plans had been updated.

The service did not have a mental capacity policy and was not working within the
framework of the mental capacity act.

Inspectors also found that Medication was not safely managed and Staff members were not competently assessed to administer medication. While Recruitment procedures were not followed and new staff members were not always recruited safely.

There had been an allegation of abuse that had not been reported to the Care Quality Commission (CQC).


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