Women everywhere are becoming mothers at an increasingly higher age. In England and Wales, 54% of all mothers were 30 years or more in 2016, compared to 41% in 1996, according to the Office for National Statistics. While it is a true blessing to be able to choose when and if to bear children, postponing the pregnancy also reduces the likelihood of conceiving, since fertility decreases with age. The female fertility starts to decline at the age of 30, and declines more rapidly after the age of 35.
What if you want to start a family, but not right now? You may be caught up in studies or in the middle of your career, or you may not have found the right partner yet. Luckily, there are clinics that specialise in fertility preservation. Barcelona IVF is a Spanish clinic that helps women from all over the world maintain their ability to get pregnant in the future.
Fertility preservation by egg freezing
The fertility clinic in Barcelona offers oocyte vitrification as a means to fertility preservation. Oocyte vitrification is an ultrafast freezing technique for eggs and embryos (oocyte means egg cell). By submerging the eggs into liquid nitrogen at -196 ºC, cell damage is minimised and the survival rate is maximised. Frozen eggs can be stored for an unlimited period of time without the quality being reduced. It is however important that the eggs are frozen when they still have a high pregnancy potential. The earlier, the better, in general.
By freezing your eggs, you can complete your studies, get that job you are aiming for, find the perfect partner and settle down, while resting assured that your eggs are safely stored, and their fertility is maintained.
When is fertility preservation recommended?
Fertility preservation is recommended in two cases. First, when a woman wishes to postpone her procreation. This is very common nowadays, for many reasons. Regardless of whether you know for sure that you want to start a family one day, egg freezing can be thought of as an insurance for the future. The second case is if a woman needs to undergo treatment or surgery that might affect her reproductive capacity, for example chemotherapy or ovarian or pelvic surgery. Long-term use of some anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or aspirin, and neuroleptic medicines, can also cause female infertility.
Barcelona IVF in Spain is a good choice for women who wish to maximise their chances of conceiving at a higher age. Vitrification in Spain is based on the latest medical research and uses state-of-the-art technology. The clinic for fertility preservation in Barcelona offers a highly advanced in vitro fertilisation laboratory, service in many languages and personalized attention by the same doctor. And best of all – there is no waiting list!
Fertility peaks at ovulation
When are women most fertile? Women who try to conceive the natural way may benefit from knowing that there is only a narrow window of fertility in each menstrual cycle. This fertility window coincides with the ovulation; the release of a new egg. The likelihood of getting pregnant is largest six days before ovulation, and one day after ovulation. Women who do not wish to become pregnant should use contraception at all times, since most women do not know when they ovulate.