Graphene finds new application as non-toxic, anti-static hair dye

Yes you heard it here first.Manchester’s wonder Material Graphene is being used to address an issue that has plagued the beauty industry for more than...

New device being developed in Salford could change lives of children born without arms

A NEW device being developed at the University of Salford could help thousands of children across the world born without arms. Researchers are creating a...

Brits judge The Archers characters’ class and likeability on their accent

Britain’s ongoing fascination with class is revealed by the way radio audiences perceive accents in The Archers, new Manchester research shows. Ambridge residents considered to...

Manchester Museum appoints first female Director

Manchester Museum has appointed Esme Ward as its Director, the first woman to hold the role in the Museum’s 125-year history Esme will take up her...

Now your water service comes with robots

The North West's water provider United Utilities has become the first water company in the UK to use state-of-the-art robots revolutionise its service to customers. The...

Manchester Scientists in Kidney disease break through

Manchester Scientists have successfully produced human kidney tissue within a living organism which is able to produce urine, a first for medical science. The study...

It’s TedX time this weekend at the Bridgewater Hall

Greater Manchester's Mayor Andy Burnham will be one of the speakers at this year's TedX talk at the Bridgewater Hall this Sunday. He will be...

Co-op delivers an eco friendly brew

The Manchester based Co-op is brewing up a fully biodegradable paper tea bag, making it the first retailer to find a solution to the problem of...

Vitamin deficiency puts cancer cells “into hibernation say Salford Uni scientists

CANCER stem cells can be put “into hibernation” by a little-known drug called diphenyleniodonium – or DPI – according to researchers from the University...

Is your lunchtime sandwich bad for the environment?

Do you take a packed lunch to work or buy a sandwich from the shop? The carbon footprint of your sandwich could be having a...