Artificial intelligence set to decode heart attack and stroke risk

Scientists are developing a machine learning tool to predict which people are likely to suffer a life-threatening heart attack or stroke, thanks...

Thousands of public service workers contact UNISON with ‘harrowing’ stories about protective kit.

Thousands of people working in the NHS, social care and local services have contacted a Unison hotline in the last week expressing anxiety at...

Northern exposure for pioneering GP cancer education platform pioneered across Greater Manchester

A pioneering digital platform that supports GPs in detecting the early signs of cancer is to be rolled out across the north of England...

Stockport man uses art to help people’s mental health

At a time when people are becoming more aware of the need to look after their mental health, a support service in Stockport is...

Testing Testing Testing

The Government is coming under fire this morning for what appears to be its calamitous approaching to testing Last night the Prime Minister assured people...

GM Mayor Andy Burnham & Manchester Met Uni put mental health in the spotlight

Manchester Metropolitan University is leading the way in helping to support students who may be experiencing mental health problems. The University has piloted a new...

Enhanced imaging for hand and foot surgery at Stepping Hill Hospital

New technology for Stepping Hill Hospital’s surgical teams is helping them to provide additional imaging facilities for diagnosing and operating on patients. The ‘Mini...

Non-cigarette tobacco smoking soared over last decade

There are around five times more people smoking non-cigarette tobacco in England now than there were a decade ago, according to a new study The...

Free school meals lead to a fall in childhood obesity

Two leading economists at the Institute for Social and Economic Research at the University of Essexhave tracked the impact of the Government’s Universal Infant...

Stockport’s Stepping Hill Hospital leads the way in prevention of blood clots

Stepping Hill Hospital has been selected as an example site for others to follow due to its success in preventing blood clots. Following assessment and...